Saturday, February 6, 2010

Please, Mommy, can I go outside and play?

Axel has spent quite a bit of time these past couple weeks here, watching his daddy work in the back yard. I am amazed at his attention span when he is at the back door. He just loves to see what is going on and to wave (his new skill this week) to Daddy. Today, he was asking me to go out there and make a mess. So, we put on his play clothes and let him loose.

A couple of minutes on the dead grass touching Daddy's trees, then...
We found the big dirt pile.

Crawling up and scooting down on his tummy. He had fun touching the dirt with his hands.

He didn't eat any until he rolled down the hill and faceplanted on a dirt clod. Then, he chewed a little bit of that gritty dirt.
Mmmmm, dirt!

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